All photography provided by Beulah Momanyi
SaniNaps aims to empower girls through strong partnerships in the United States and Kenya by addressing the lack of sanitary napkins and basic classroom supplies in the hopes of keeping girls in school.
Our Vision
Our vision is to see a world where girls grow to be women who realized their full potential in a society that treats them with respect, dignity and equality!
Our Mission
Our mission is to empower Kenyan girls to stay and graduate from school by providing reusable sanitary napkins and basic school supplies.
2019 Achievements:
Provided 4,000 girls with reusable sanitary napkins (2-Shield and 8-pads each)
13 Day for Girls Sewing teams
Fundraised $14,500 for transportation, materials and educational supplies
Went to 29-schools, 1-women shelter & 1-orphanage
2022 Goals:
Targeting 7,000 girls with reusable sanitary napkin kits!
Targeting 47-schools, 3-maternity clinics, 5-orphanage
Start 1-days for girls enterprise in Kisii/Nyamira County, Kenya
We have collected 770 Kits
We have raised $1,275 thus far